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  1. Anti-aging - blend of nutritious & healing berries which contain antioxidants that fight free radicals that causing premature aging
  2. Boosts immune system - polysaccharides & antioxidants that strengthen the body's natural ability to defend itself against common illnesses such as cold and cough
  3. Contributes to cancer prevention
  4. Anti-mutagenic or inhibits cancer (tumor) growth
  5. Increases mental clarity & improves memory - contains anthocyanins which help improves alertness & mental functions. Prevents Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Prevents build up of plaque in the arteries & improves circulation due to polyphenols, reduces the incidence of strokes and heart attacks
  7. Lowers cholesterol levels
  8. Helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure
  9. Guards against heart ailments
  10. Improves eyesight & vision - contains anthocyanidins that strengthen the capillaries of the eyes
  11. Promotes kidney health - cleanses toxins from the body; kidney's ability to transport toxins is hastened by calcium and iron
  12. Reduces the risk of kidney stone formation
  13. Promotes urinary track health
  14. Boosts energy levels & strength. Prevents weariness.
  15. Alleviates headaches & dizziness
  16. Helps normalize blood sugar in diabetics
  17. Assists in digestion & eases constipation due to laxative properties
  18. Helps in weight loss
  19. Relieves insomnia & promotes restful sleep
  20. Anti-bacterial & anti-viral
  21. Supports healthy liver functions
  22. Enhances sex life
  23. Increases resistance to various infectious diseases
  24. Enhances production of red & white blood cells
  25. Relieves back pain & muscle spasms
  26. Reduces stress
  27. Hastens recovery from illnesses


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